Charlotte Jeuniaux - Logo


A new identity for an association supporting inter-community integration.

Based in the Cité sociale des Hamendes in Charleroi (BE), the npo MALIA is a key player in integration and emancipation, offering tutoring, French as a foreign language (FLE) courses, citizenship modules and enriching activities.

Charlotte Jeuniaux - Design textile MALIA

The non-profit organisation needed a complete makeover, including a new website, an evocative new name and a fresh visual identity to reinforce its mission of intercommunity integration.

Charlotte Jeuniaux - Charte graphique MALIA
Charlotte Jeuniaux - Site web MALIA
Charlotte Jeuniaux - Mockups sites web responsives - MALIA

The Project

I designed a representative website, came up with a powerful name (MALIA), and created a fresh visual identity, enabling MALIA to renew its impact in its mission of integration and emancipation.